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Project | 01
 Amazing fauna!

Would you tell me to what lower Eocene fauna did these specimens belong?

I am really in need of your help!

I would greatly appreciate your feedback!

Project | 02
 The nummulithoclast event

Rethinking about the nummulithoclast-rich massively bedded-deposits,  encased with  thin-bedded planktonic foraminifera-rich carbonates.

To be engaged in a deep conversation, please have a look on my paper : "The nummulithoclast event within the Lower Eocene in the Southern Tethyan margin: Mechanisms involved, analogy with the filament event and climate implication (Kairouan, Central Tunisia)" 

Project | 03
 Calcisphere occurrence within an  inner ramp context in the Hauterivian-Barremian
The occurrence of calcisphere-rich carbonates within inner ramp facies arouses reflection on the main parameters implied in the stacking pattern and facies interfingering. 



♦ Negra M.H. & Mardassi-Hafsia B. (2000)- Sedimentological Characters of the Bou Dabbous Formation in the Grombalia Area Outcrops. The 7th Tunisian Petroleum Exploration & Production Conferences. Abstracts, ETAP.

♦ Negra M.H & Mardassi-Hafsia B. (2004)- Platform-Basin transition aspects within Lower Eocene carbonates in Central Tunisia. Sedimentary characters, diagenesis and reservoir potential. The 7th international Conference on the Geology of the Arab World.

♦Negra M.H., Melki S. & Mardassi-Hafsia B. (2004)- Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene hydrocarbon prospects in Grombalia area. Lateral extension and reservoir properties. The 9th Tunisian Petroleum Exploration & Production Conferences.  Abstracts, ETAP.

Besma Mardassi, Hedi M. Negra (2010) - Sedimentary characters of platform-basin transitional Early Eocene facies in Tunisia. STRATI2010 - 4th "French" Congress on Stratigraphy. Paris. vol abstracts.

♦Noura Kotti, Besma Mardassi, Ashraf M.T Elewa, Jamel Ouali (2016)- Sequential stratigraphy of the Danian/selandian transition: inferences from lithology and manganese behavior, International Conference on Applied Geology & Environment.

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2016)-Sedimentology and sequential analysis of a phosphatic shallow marine platform: Example of the Lower Eocene Chouabine Formation (Tamerza area, south west of Tunisia) , International Conference on Applied Geology & Environment,  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26873.06248

♦Mouna AMAMI, Besma Mardassi, Abdel Majid Messadi and  Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI (2016)- Grain size distribution and clay mineralogy of Barremian deposits on an unstable shelf in Central Tunisia: depositional environments and climatic evolution, International Conference on Applied Geology & Environment, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20046.66886

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2016)The undulate levels of Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene in the Tamerza region: sedimentological characterization, geodynamic significance and contribution in sequential stratigraphy, The International Symposium on Georesources and the Environment ISYGE, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18484.45444

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2017). Sedimentology, diagenesis, and sequential analysis of a carbonate series in shallow marine environments of the Middle Eocene deposits from Gafsa basin (Southern Tunisia), 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress.

♦N. Kotti, Mardassi B., and J. Ouali (2017)- Application of Geochemistry to Characterize the Progressive Paleoenvironmental Changes Linked to Abrupt Warming Hyperthermal Event During the Latest Danian of Central Tunisia (Southern Tethys) and Impact on Foraminifera Fauna, 1st Euro- Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration. 

♦ Noura Kotti, Besma Mardassi, Ignacio Arenillas, Jamel Abdennaceur Ouali Abrupt and sustained acidification in southern Tethyan margin during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum: Impacts on foraminifera, 2nd Euro- Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration. 



♦Negra M.H, Mardassi-Hafsia B. & Melki S. (2009)- Diagenetic processes and resulting variations in reservoir petrophysical characteristics within Cretaceous - Early Eocene carbonates in Tunisia. 27th IAS Meeting. Alghero, Italy, Abst. Vol., p. 624

♦Noura Kotti, Ashraf M.T Elewa, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Ouali. (2016)- Migration directions of the Hauterivian to Cenomanian ostracod assemblages from north Africa, Middle East and Europe, The International Symposium

Geo-Resources and Environment (ISYGE-2016).

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2017)- Sequential analysis applied on Evaporite series: Example of the Upper Paleocene in Gafsa Basin, 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11070.89929

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2017 )-Different types of Shallowing up cycles in evaporite series of the Late Paleocene from the Gafsa basin: causes and geodynamic signification, 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.18874.18883

♦Abdel Majid Messadi, Besma Mardassi, Jamel Abdennaceur OUALI, Jamel TOUIR (2017)-Contribution of the associate minerals paragenesis in the detection of confinement conditions and climate implication: case study of the Late Paleocene-Thelja Formation (Gafsa Basin), 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13460.91525

♦ Salma Jmal, Noura Kotti, Besma Mardassi (2019)- Ecosystem disturbance records during the Uppermost Maastrichtian-Lower Danian in southern Tethyan realms (Gafsa Basin, Tamerza area, Tunisia), 2nd Euro- Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration.




♦ Messadi A., B. Mardassi, Ouali J. A, Touir J. (2016)- Sedimentology, diagenesis, clay mineralogy and sequential analysis model of Upper Paleocene evaporite-carbonate ramp succession from Tamerza area (Gafsa Basin: Southern Tunisia) Journal of African Earth Sciences, 118 , 205-230.

Mardassi B. (2017)-The Nummulithoclast Event within the Lower Eocene in the Southern Tethyan margin: Mechanisms involved, Analogy with the Filament Event and Climate implication (Kairouan, Central Tunisia), Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 678-703,

♦N. Kotti, Mardassi B., J. Ouali and M. Yangui (2017)- Sedimentological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis of the Hyperthermal Latest Danian Event across the Galuconitic Marker Bed (Central Tunisia), Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 8, 11, 1-8, DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617.1000428.

♦N. Kotti, Mardassi B., and J. Ouali (2018)- Application of Geochemistry to Characterize the Progressive Paleoenvironmental Changes Linked to Abrupt Warming Hyperthermal Event During the Latest Danian of Central Tunisia (Southern Tethys) and Impact on Foraminifera Fauna. In: Kallel A., Ksibi M., Ben Dhia H., Khélifi N. (eds) Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions. EMCEI 2017. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK InterdisciplinarySeries for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham

♦ Messadi A., Mardassi B., Ouali J. A. and Touir J. (2018)- Diagenetic process as tool to diagnose paleoenvironment conditions, bathymetry and oxygenation during Late Paleocene-Early Eocene in the Gafsa Basin, Carbonates and Evaporites,

♦ Messadi A., Mardassi B., Ouali J. A. and Touir J. (2019)- Phosphate genesis and concentration a response to sea level fluctuation in shallow marine environments of the lower Eocene deposits in the southern Tethyan margin: case study of the Gafsa Basin, southern Tunisia. Carbonates Evaporites 34, 1489–1509.

♦ Messadi A., Mardassi B., Ouali J. A. and Touir J. (2019)- Sedimentology, sequential analysis and paleoclimate associations of the upper Paleocene-lower Eocene Chouabine Formation at the Oued Thelja section, Gafsa Basin, Southern Tunisia, Stratigraphy 16, 4,  pp. 265-277 

♦ Messadi A., Touir J., Mardassi B. and Ouali J. A. (2020)- Factors controlling sedimentation and sequence stratigraphy evolution in shallow marine (carbonates) platform: example of Middle Eocene deposits from Gafsa Basin. Carbonates Evaporites 35, 58.

♦Jmal S., Kotti N. and Mardassi B. (2021)- Ecosystem Disturbance Records During the Uppermost Maastrichtian-Lower Danian in Southern Tethyan Realms (Gafsa Basin, Tamerza Area, Tunisia). In Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition), Springer International Publishing,


♦Kotti N., Mardassi B., Arenillas I. and Ouali J. A. (2021)- Abrupt and Sustained Acidification in Southern Tethyan Margin During the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum: Impacts on Foraminifera. In Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (2nd Edition), Springer International Publishing,


♦Kotti N., Mardassi B., Arenillas I. and Ouali J. A. (2021)- Increased ocean acidification and lysocline shoaling during the PETM in Roman Bridge section (Tunisia, southern Tethys. In Geo-Temas 18, ISSN: 1576-5172 (X Congreso Geológico de España), Sociedad Geológica de España  

♦Amami M., Mardassi B. and Ouali J. A. (2021)- Sedimentology, paleogeography and climatology of the Hauterivian-Barremian in Tunisia and neighboring Tethyan realms. Carbonates Evaporites 36,30.

♦Kotti N., Mardassi B., Arenillas I. and Ouali J. A. (2022)- Increased ocean acidification by upwelling intensification in southern Tethyan margin during the PETM: implication for foraminiferal record. Carbonates Evaporites 37, 39 (2022).

Publications and Communications on Innovative Pedagogy

Besma Mardassi, Moncef Khadhraoui, Fatma Omrane, Bertrand Lefebvre, Denis Zmirou-Navier, Nejmeddine Hentati, Amel Mabrouk, Najoua Nouri, Mohamed Trigui et Imed Gargouri (2022)- Le Master Ifriqiya : une démarche hybride et une stratégie innovante fondée sur le partage des expériences et du savoir pour booster la formation. Colloque International de l’Innovation Pédagogique, Sousse, Tunisie.

Besma Mardassi (2022)-La dimension Co- du Master Ifriqiya : une façon de considérer et repenser l’altérité. L’apprenant au cœur du système éducatif et universitaire (3ème édition). Forum Citoyen International de l’Éducation, Hammamet, Tunisie.


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Innovative Pedagogy

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Project Erasmus +_Biotech-Tunisia
Helping teacher improve their pedagogical skills

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Project Erasmus +_Biotech-Tunisia
Helping teacher improve their pedagogical skills

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