I am an Assistant Professor with 20 years of experience and am looking for new opportunities in the field. I am a caring and devoted professional.
I composed some scientific articles. I also received a review recognition certificate from the African Journal of Earth Sciences in 2016. Additionally, I co-supervised 3 Ph.D. Thesis and 2 Master Thesis in the field of sedimentology and inorganic geochemistry. Finally, I reviewed some papers for the African Journal of Earth Sciences and the Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
I am skilled in carbonate sedimentology, Climate Change, paleotempestology, inorganic geochemistry, and clay mineralogy.
IFEL-Université Virtuelle de Tunis
*C1"Pédagogie et Technologie"
*C3 "Planifier son cours"
*C5 "Enseigner avec Moodle"
*C6 "Evaluation des apprentissages en ligne "
Gender in Digital Education
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects
Grande Ecole du Numérique
*Embarquez vos apprenants : destination pédagogie active !
*Evaluer efficacement pour faire progresser vos apprenants
France Université Numérique
*Se former pour enseigner dans le supérieur
*La psychologie pour les enseignants
*Je suis tuteur dans l'enseignement supérieur
*Transformer l'enseignement et la formation: Mission hybridation
Le Digital Learning pour les responsables formation
*Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups
*Improve Your English Communication Skills
My Work
Here are some photos that I took for my Students in Tataouine (S-E Tunisia) in 2010.
These photographs are illustrative and educational. They helped students to better reconstruct the depositional environments, and to emphasize the transgressive-regressive trend of deposits. These outcropping series are fossilizing appropriate sedimentary structures (Fig. A and B). The tree trunks recovered from the study area (Fig. 5) suggested the prevalence of humid climate episodes, in the past millions of years. I am delighted about the field trip that I organized with my colleagues a few years ago, and I am thrilled about to what degree these photographs had highlighted the conspicuous climate and sea-level changes.
Senior Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia (September 2003- October 2012)
-Organized field trips
-taught undergraduate students in the field of sedimentary geology
-Wrote some booklets
-Supervised final-year projects
-Attended Conferences
Senior Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia (October 2012-Present)
Member of the Scientific Council (June 2014-December 2017)
-Supervised Master-Thesis works
-Co-supervising Doctorate-Thesis studies
-Organized field trips
-Composed some scientific articles
-Reviewed some papers
-Attended Conferences
-Teaching undergraduate and graduate students in the field of geology and climatology.
Language skills
Arabic (Mother Tongue)
French (Advanced)
English (Intermediate)
HTML5 (Beginner)
Computer skills:
Microsoft Office
X'Pert High Score Plus
Corel Draw